GaWis administration tool

Profiles definition

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GaWis administration tool

This graphical interface supports all GaWis features and eases GaWis administration.

Screenshot 1 shows the main page of the application. The user can access to six functions:

main page
Screenshot 1 - main page

Find Devices in GaWis DB

Screenshot 2 shows the interface when "Find Devices in GaWis DB" is selected. The user is allowed to select a user agent from the list of all user agents finded in GaWis DB. Once one user agent is selected, the user is allowed to click the "Search" button in order to select the profiles he is interested in (see Screenshot 3).

search device
Screenshot 2 - search device

select profiles
Screenshot 3 - select profiles

Screenshot 4 shows two grids. The device properties are displayed in the first grid; the second grid displays the profiles that were selected by the user.
Now the user is allowed to go back and select other profiles (click the "Back" button) or to modify the data displayed by clicking the "Modify Data" button (see Screenshot 5).

display data
Screenshot 4 - display data

The form fields are validated clicking the "Apply Changes" button and, if inserted data are correct, GaWis updates the DB.

modify data
Screenshot 5 - modify data

Store Devices from standard sources

Screenshot 6 shows the user interface when "Store Devices from standard sources" (see Screenshot 1) is selected. The user selects the source type (WURFL or UAProf) and specify the file location ("Browse..." button).
If the user wants to store a device from UAProf then he has to specify a user agent identifier ("Insert user agent" input text box).
Once that the source type and the file location are properly setted, device(s) data are loaded in GaWis DB by clicking the "Store" button.

store devices from standard sources
Screenshot 6 - store devices from standard sources

The form shown in Screenshot 7 is displayed when the user agent specified during the UAProf import operation equals a user agent already stored in the GaWis DB. By means of this interface the user resolves possible conflicts on data.

resolve conflicts on data
Screenshot 7 - resolve conflicts on data

Store Devices from user's information

Screenshot 8 shows the user interface when "Store Devices from user's information" (see Screenshot 1) is selected. The user has to specify a user agent identifier for the new device he wants to store in GaWis DB. Then he has to click the "Edit" button to get the input form shown in Screenshot 9.

store devices from user's information (1)
Screenshot 8 - store devices from user's information (1)

The form fields are validated clicking the "Store" button and, if inserted data are correct, GaWis stores in DB the new device defined by the user.

store devices from user's information (2)
Screenshot 9 - store devices from user's information (2)

Export devices in standard formats

The user interface for export operations is shown in Screenshot 10.
The user has to select devices he wants to export, the output format and the output directory. If WURFL option is checked, GaWis will produce a WURFL patch file (named wurfl_patch.xml) containing all devices selected. Instead, when UAProf option is checked, GaWis will produce one UAProf file (named <useragent>.xml) for each selected device.

Screenshot 10 - export devices in standard formats
Screenshot 10 - export devices in standard formats

Remove devices from GaWis DB

It is possible to remove one or more devices from GaWis DB through the interface shown in Screenshot 11.

remove devices from GaWis DB
Screenshot 11 - remove devices from GaWis DB

View GaWis events log and statistics

GaWis lets the user analize the GaWis events log (Screenshot 13) and the table of missing devices (Screenshot 14).

choose GaWis logs or statistics
Screenshot 12 - choose GaWis logs or statistics

GaWis events log
Screenshot 13 - GaWis events log

table of missing devices
Screenshot 14 - table of missing devices

The table shown in Screenshot 14 reports user agent and number of miss for each device has been searched through GaWis APIs and not found in GaWis DB. There are two options to manage missing device requests: you can choose to log the missing event or to create a generic default device for the requested user agent. Switching between the two options is done in Spring application context. The table of missing devices is updated only if the first option is activated.

GaWis administration tool installation

  1. Download and unzip the following packages: "" and "".
  2. Create GaWis DB using the restore script named "GaWis1.0_DB_schema.sql" (contained in ""). (See requirements for the tested MySQL Server version and distribution).
  3. Copy the directory "GaWis" (contained in "") under your application server.
  4. Set proper username and password values in the "" file (path: "GaWis/WEB-INF/classes/").
  5. Start your application server with the max heap value setted to 512MB.
  6. Open your favorite web browser and go to http://<application_server_hostname:application_server_port>/GaWis (eg: http://localhost:8080/GaWis), log in GaWis administration tool using username="admin" and password="admin".

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