GAIA Reply
Open Source RoadMap
In March 2007, we released GAIA GIT under LGPL license.
GAIA GIT is an image transcoding library particularly suited for mobile applications; its release
was the first step of a process that will see Reply releasing the entire GAIA
Mobile|Living|Framework as Open Source Software.
In these months we have been working on the definition of the release roadmap: we identified
two major developments starting from the GIT that can be of interest for the community of
mobile service developers.
The first step of this evolution is called GaWis (GAIA Web Information System): the scope of
this development is the implementation of an information system, that will simplify the
interaction with WURFL, UAProf and any other device capabilities information source, exploiting
the functionalities of database technology.
The second step of our roadmap will see the implementation of a Transcoder Server (TS)
compliant with OMA STI standard. We’d like to implement a transcoding server for image, video
and audio too. The server will response to SOAP-RPC calls.
GaWis Web Information System release 1.0 has been published online September 2007.
GaWis 1.0 exposes the following features:
- WURFL and UAProf data integration.
- An interface that permits data management and data extraction for all the compatible source format (WURFL,
UAProf, customized UAProf, etcetera).
- A SOAP interface for data retrieval.
All these functionalities are implemented over a software architecture based on open
source frameworks (Spring, Hibernate, Java Server Faces, Axis) in order to compose an
efficient, flexible and extensible solution.

Future developments:
- A WAP self-certification interface that enables an agile device profile management
The second step of our roadmap will see the implementation of a Transcoder Server (TS)
compliant with OMA STI standard. We’d like to implement a transcoding server for image, video
and audio too. The server will response to SOAP-RPC calls.
As far as transcoding server architecture is concerned we’d like to implement the following
- a STI compliant API interface for managing images, audio or video
- a STI parser to enable STI messages based RPC
The transcoding process will be characterized by four different steps:
- the transcoding server receives an STI request
- the parser interprets the message and translate it into a sequence of API interface calls
- the API interface implementation calls "plugged" transcoding library native methods
- the plugged transcoding library (audio,image or video) performs transcoding stuff